Hello, my name is Tyler Shelton. I am currently a senior at George Fox University studying computer science with a concentration in cybersecurity. I have always loved puzzles and understanding how things worked. From opening a stapler in elementary school to playing the Portal videogames in middle school, it has been a passion. This has led to my love of computer programming and analytics. I started trying to teach myself C++ from YouTube videos in 3rd grade and have tried to stick with it since (with reasonable inconsistenties as a kid). Once I got to university my learning skyrocketed. I now had a structure to learn topics and how to not just solve problems, but solve them efficiently, effectively, and properly (commenting code, readability, modularization, etc.). During this time I also found an interest in Data Analytics. My father teaches Data Analytics and would give me sample problems in high school. Once I got to George Fox I got a job doing Data Analytics. This led to great exposure with databases, data pipelines, various machine learning models, and just overall flow of a workplace.